Thursday 27 October 2011

Assingment Question 2 Answers ( PET ABUSE)

        a) What can i understand from pet abuse.
         Regarding the pet abuse issue, I can understand that humans can slaughter animals just for money. Some so called “human” abusing an animal without caring their feelings. They did not hear the animal’s voice. From one of the article I read, a man killed his own beloved dog to sell the skin. Imagine a dog that was royal was killed by his owner. How horrible money affect human’s heart. How can a man killed his dog that accompanied him for years. Besides that, some human torture animals just for fun and release anger. Do animals deserve this type of threatening? I believe animals deserve their right to live in this world. Animals feel pain and fear like we do, but they are often helpless victims because they can't speak as humans do. Some people choose to abuse animals over people for this very reason! To create a humane society, we must stop cruelty against those who are most vulnerable--like animals.
                 I can understand how an animal feel when there’re threatening by the humans. At the other point of view, if you’re the animal that abusing by a human, you’ll understand the animal’s feeling.
                 Sometimes in the news we heard that dogs attack human. Does a dog attack a human for nothing? Or because of they are trying to protect themselves and hence they’re being aggressive. Dogs are human’s best friend. Do you believe it? Yes, I do believe because dog’s are the best companion for human. They’ll accompany their owner and being royal all the time. They will not betray their owner. They will listen what their owner voice out. But, the people who are cold hearted are slaughtering dogs for their fur, meat and release their anger to the weaker one.
               Besides that, through some news, I heard that some chicken slaughterer did not slaughter chicken in a proper way. They entered a chicken into a boiled water alive which is against the law. The process of slaughtering is against the law. They should chop off the chicken’s neck before putting them into a boiled water. This type of threatening to chicken is a cruel way. They can be punished by the justice of law. Although chicken is the common food for human, but I believe many people cannot tolerate the cruel way of slaughtering them. 

        b) Why pet abuse occur?
                               “Acts of violence or neglect perpetrated against animals are considered animal cruelty,”

       Some people bought a pet and could not take care of them. They punished them due to their misbehavior. For example a dog was being aggressive. They punished it and punishment escalates to severe beating. Some people even do not know that they are so cruel until they got a dog or cat who "annoys" them. If their pets are being aggressive, they should train the pet instead of threatening them. Some animals will become more aggressive to protect themselves. Love is the best way of training their own pet.

Some people have a cruel bone in them, it is psychic abnormality. I knew one kid who was beating his grandparent’s dog on the head until the dog became retarded. They learnt about it when it was too late - the kid has developmental retardation too. When there’s someone who’re born to be cruel, he should not be having a pet. Pet are used to love and not used for release stress. Animals do have a life, they are innocent and do not harm if there is no reason.

Some people are losers and weak and take their frustrations out on the weaker ones. Because weaker than them there are only some pets, they start "discipline" them, which is self-excuse. They tie them up, beat, do not give them food, etc. It is same as with child cruelty. This type of action has been happening since long time ago. They used to release their anger or stress to the weaker one. Animals do not know how to look into human’s emotion.

Sometimes drunk people are cruel too. They can torture or even kill an animal without any memory with them after they’re awake. They murdered animals or maybe even humans in drunken condition.
This action had caused a lot of victims in the world. Government should punish the people who kill animals and ban the people from being drunk because this will cause a lot of animals become victims. 


    Impact On Society
i)                    Animal cruelty affects everyone in a community, from the individual who witnesses it to the humane agent who investigates it to the animal care and control staff who house and care for the victims. Society will not tolerate pet abusing action which means they will starting to anti pet abusing by organizing an organization that protect the rights of the animals.
      The society will not tolerate factories that produce animal’s fur. They will be angry of the slaughtering of animals in a not proper way. Such slaughtering of animals will affect the society’s feeling over an animal. The society will stand up and voice out the pain of the animals and they will against the people who have the habit of abusing their pet.
     Some people who shared their videos of torturing animals will influence the youth’s mind. They will learn what they had seen and it will lead to the youth’s cruelty to animal. 

             Impact On Nation
ii)                    When a nation which was famous of abusing their pet, this will affect the economics of the nation. The society will stop buying the product with the materials of abusing animals. This will cause the nation’s economic downturn. Besides that, the cruelty of threatening animals will cause the people not to take a vocation to that country. China had many cases like slaughtering dogs and eat their meat, eating monkey’s brain alive, killing animals in a cruel way and so on. Such actions had triggered society’s anger. People starting dislike the cruelty of some China people who abuse animals.

     Some non-government organization from other country will stand out and request the government to enhance the law of protection for animals. This will bring a bad image for the foreign country. A campaign of teaching the new generation should be organize.

     As a conclusion, pet abuse will bring negative impact to the country. Pets deserve protection from the government. Government should motivate the peoples to protect the animals. 


Tuesday 27 September 2011


1. We walked through the glorious streets queued with flowers.
2. Ah Beng was impatient because the class was uninteresting.
3. Psychologists have found out the attitude of children from divorced family.
4. An angry customer rushed into the manager's room.
5. The two eyewitnesses have to declare about the accident in the court.

My partner:  Sabrina Fong

Monday 12 September 2011

About Me

Let me introduce myself, my name is Ansen Lee. I'm from Ipoh, Perak. I'm 18 years old this year. (2011). I feel great after graduated from secondary school and now i'm studying in Inti International University. I have 5 family members in my family which are my dad, mum, two sister and lastly myself. I love them so much !

 What are the goals for my life? Well, i define goal as my engine to push me to work for it. And my goal is becoming a great and successful businessman. If you ask me why i choose to become a businessman, i will say that because it is very challenging for me. I hope to have a great car, a big house, a stable career. I want to let my family to be proud of me.

For me, writing is a common action to be perform recently. Everyone in this world use write to note down everything they wanted to. I had a long period of writing before. Writing continuously for few hours without stopping. That really makes me gone mad and my hands are shaking after that. That's not a good feeling if you writing without resting. However, when i did not write for a long period, I will miss writing. Also when you did not write for a long period, your writing will become messy. So, everyone should start writing something now?